Tuesday, May 26, 2009

26 May

Clara Ole Treats Members to Another Kitchen Cookfest Adventure

I enjoy being a Clara Ole KAC (Kitchen Adventure Circle) member. There are lots of perks being one: a) I get to attend events where I learn about lots of things other than cooking, b) I get to meet new friends, and c) I get to bring home freebies such as Clara Ole and other Sysu Marketing products that my family...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

17 May
Formula Dolan Mall Tour Kicks Off at TrinomaLast May 16, 2009, Ibuprofen Dolan launched the first Formula Dolan (FD) Racing Fever Mall Tour at the Ayala Trinoma Mall. I was glad to be invited because it gave me and my 10-year-old a chance to have a different kind of mother-and-son bonding time.Kids were treated to an interactive...

Friday, May 15, 2009

15 May
Panel Collective Exhibit at the UP Vargas Museum in Diliman, Q.C.My son, who loves to draw, asked me to bring him to the Comics and Illustration Artists' Talk held yesterday in UP Diliman. He's an incoming high school senior and is aspiring to enter the College of Fine Arts next year.Although it's a long way from our house...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

10 May
Mothers of Disabled ChildrenThe piece below was written by Erma Bombeck on May 11, 1980, almost three decades ago. It has remained a powerful encouragement to many mothers whose kids have special needs.Happy Mothers' Day to all you wonderful moms out there, especially my kindred souls who were also chosen to take care...

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

05 May
10 Ways to Catch a LiarEarlier today, I was searching for "home remedies for sore throat" as I have terribly swollen tonsils that have been irritating me since last night. I chose to read the article found at Webmd since it's a reputable site.Then I noticed the hot topics listed on the side and got curious enough to click...

Monday, May 04, 2009

04 May

Melawares Celebrates 30th Year with Charice Pempengco

A lot of people seldom look at the bottom of their plates to see what brand they carry. But I would bet that a big percentage of Filipino households have a set or two (or more) of Melawares dinnerware in their kitchen. Ours do! Last May 3, this Pinggan ng Bayan dinnerware, which started as a small cottage industry...