Saturday, July 23, 2005

23 Jul
Few things in life are freeI have been receiving quite a number of emails inviting me to join a certain website called TechGear4Free where you can get electronic gadgets for free simply by referring other people to the site. I’ve wanted an ipod for so long but am very wary of sites purporting to give away items for free...

Monday, July 18, 2005

18 Jul

Kindred Spirits Loving The Corrs' Music

A perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon? Listening to very talented young people who amazingly sound (almost) exactly like The Corrs. I attended a jamming session yesterday and got to finally meet some of my co-egroup members in the Corrs-ph mailing list. Some of them have been playing Corrs songs together for a long...

Saturday, July 16, 2005

16 Jul
On PEGs and photosA lot of my friends, when informed of James' PEG procedure via email, still couldn't imagine how a feeding tube implanted in the stomach looks like. I find it hard to describe too. I recently joined two tubefeeding egroups in yahoo so I can share my experiences with fellow parents and learn from those...
16 Jul
Where are you from?About two weeks ago, I tried out the NeoCounter after seeing it on a friend's blog site. Now at least I'll know from what countries my blog visitors are coming from and I think it's great thing...

Monday, July 04, 2005

04 Jul
Oh, Yes!I’m working right now on an article about organizing. In one of my researches, I came across this from the Idea-Pak email that Maria Gracia’s Get Organized Now website sends:The Infamous Organizational MythMyth: To be organized means to be neat or tidy.Yes, we will admit you can be neat and organized atthe same...
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