Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pampers and Moms Say #ThankYouBaby via Heartwarming Video + Blog Giveaway (Winners Announced)

A mom is born once her baby is born. That is something that all mothers know to be true. Having a child brings about a lot of changes that are often surprising and delightful. In my case, I've learned so much about myself and about life, in general, when I became a mom. 

Motherhood is a gift and my children are my treasures. For the past 20 years, and counting, my sons have educated and helped me work on improving important life skills such as patience (lots and lots of it!), faith, love, compromise, selflessness, generosity, bravery, fairness, discipline, wisdom, and so much more.  

Last Mother's Day, Pampers came out with a heartwarming video that I'm sure moms could definitely relate to. We have discovered new sides to our personalities because of our babies and it is only fitting to thank them for helping us change into better persons. 

As a reward and thank you to mommies who are doing a great job in raising their kids, Pampers and Write, Breathe, Live are giving away two (2) packs each of Pampers Active Baby XL 16s to two (2) winners. That's a total of 4 packs to be given away!

Please join via the Rafflecopter widget above to earn entries. Take note that we can send prizes to Metro Manila addresses only. Thank you for understanding. This giveaway ends on July 1, 12MN.

For more info and updates about Pampers, please like

Edit - July 2: Congratulations Faith Almario and Jeda Gonzales! You each won 2 packs of Pampers XL 16s! Please respond to my email with your Metro Manila mailing address.

Thank you very much dear readers for joining this giveaway. Much as I would like to be able to send prizes to all of you, my resources are limited. However, a new giveaway of Tiny Buds baby products is now up, here

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