Thursday, September 29, 2011

Champ Lui Pio and Rez Toledo of Somedaydream in CodeRED Magazine

Edit Dec. 2: Wanna win a copy of this magazine with Somedaydream's autograph on his feature? Read this blog post to find out how. Giveaway ends on December 20, 2011 :)

Here's sharing something that I think fans of both Champ Lui Pio and Rez Toledo of Somedaydream would be happy to know... 

Both gifted music artists are featured in the Sept-Nov issue of CodeRED magazine! This is a family-oriented publication that has sections for both parents and their children.

A few months ago, my editor asked me to look for a young celebrity who would be a good role model for our young readers. At the time, I've met Rez twice on two different occasions and immediately thought he has an inspiring story kids and teens would be interested to know more about. Aside from being very talented, Rez seems very down to earth.

I contacted Champ (Somedaydream's manager), asked if I could write Rez's story, and we agreed on an interview date. When we all got together and while I was talking to Rez and getting other inputs from Champ (who's another very talented musician), I discovered about TreeHouse Day Care, an advocacy close to Champ's heart. I also found out that he has been a volunteer firefighter for the past three years.

So, to make the long story short, I ended up with not one, but two wonderful articles: a feature on Rez as an emerging music artist, and a feature on Champ as an advocate for children and other causes :)

Read their inspiring stories in the pages of CodeRED magazine. It's available in National Book Store, Powerbooks, and the Merriam & Webster bookstore just outside Don Bosco, Makati

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