Tuesday, April 05, 2011

So, Who Caught the MyPhone T23 Sale?

If you have "Liked" MyPhone's Facebook page, you also probably saw this digital poster of the MyPhone T23 Duo Sale sometime last week:

I did and showed it to my eldest son who's been complaining that the second hand phone (another brand) passed on to him last year has been giving him problems for weeks already. With it, he could only send and receive text messages but can't receive calls.  He said he has been saving for a new phone since he realized that his old one might totally conk out one of these days. He even reminded me of the time I was trying to call him and the call won't get through.

So I said yes, I will add to the amount he has already saved so he could buy a new phone. Anyway, he has been doing good in school (got his grades a couple of days ago and his average is 1.98, yey!) and he does know how to be frugal.

We arrived at Festival Mall in Alabang at around 5 p.m. last April 1. When we got to the MyPhone booth, only two units of the T23 were left. We bought one and I had to shell out an extra P1000+ because my son wanted a 2GB micro SD card to store his files in.

That day, another touch screen phone with the same features, but which has TV access added, was also on sale at another kiosk. The price was the same as the MyPhone T23. But we chose the T23 because we are already sure that the MyPhone brand is trustworthy.

If you have been visiting this blog frequently, you probably have read the post about the day my hubby bought his MyPhone Q22. That was one whole year ago and the phone is still in good condition! So, there was really no contest about what to choose. Even my son said so.

As of this writing, my techie boy has already customized the phone's wallpaper, screen saver, etc. and even added mp3s in it. I've tried calling my husband using the headset accessory and the audio is very clear! I admit I'm a little envious because the phone does look sleek and fun to use :p I hope MyPhone comes up with another touch screen unit, this time with WiFi, soon and I might finally, probably, consider buying one for myself :)

Edit April 7: You have one more chance to catch the sale! I tagged along with hubby to the Philippine Cable TV Association (PCTA) Convention yesterday at SMX Mall of Asia and was given this flyer at the MyPhone booth:

The booth exhibits will be open to the public (free entrance) tomorrow, April 8 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Catch the T23 sale there and also check out the nice booths of various cable channels :)

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