Saturday, November 21, 2020

Exploring California: Where to Watch the Sunset on Top of a Hill in La Habra Heights

I love watching sunsets wherever in the world I am. So, every time I learn of a new place with a great view, I try my best to go there. Sometime ago, my youngest son and his friends posted some nice photos online when they were on top of a hill with an expansive view of the valley.

with my favorite hiking buddy

Earlier this week, our Daniel brought his dad and I to the same place that they nicknamed Top of the World. I was quite surprised to see that the entrance is another part of the Skyline Trail which we have hiked before from Powder Canyon and another time from Schabarum Regional Park

towers of power

We arrived there about an hour before sunset so there was time to explore a bit before climbing the not-so-steep incline going to the highest point. We passed a couple of pylons (towers used for carrying power lines high above the ground) which added interesting elements to some of our photos.

father and son

When we got to the top, I was delighted to see a large part of the valley spread out before us. We could even faintly see the downtown LA skyline from that distance. I wanted to follow the trail going down on the other side but there wasn't enough time to get back before dark. So we reserved that thought for another day.

sunset vibes

Looking around, it was a bit disappointing though to see discarded items like beer bottles and food wrappings here and there left behind by some visitors :( We plan to go back with trash bags next time and help clean the place up. 

the moon came early!

We stayed for almost an hour and I wished I'd brought one of our portable lightweight folding chairs because there aren't any soft grass to sit on, just the dry ground. Still, the sunset was worth the wait. We watched the sky turn different colors until dusk fell and the valley lights started twinkling. 

twinkling lights of the valley behind us

Since there weren't any lamp posts along the trail going back to where we parked, we used our phones' flashlights and made a mental note to bring our rechargeable LED headlamps in the future.    

trail head

To those who'd like to explore this place, enter 799-401 Skyline Trail, La Habra Heights, CA 90631 on Google Maps. The trail head is located at the very end of Punta Del Este Drive. If you're bringing snacks, kindly take your bottles and other trash to dispose of at home. Let us protect our environment so that more people can enjoy nature for generations to come :)


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