Sunday, May 31, 2020

Making Memories in the Month of May

So, were you able to #MakeMayMatter? It's the end of a seemingly longer than usual month but, instead of thinking about the things that continue to go wrong in this planet, I'd like to express gratitude instead for the things that went right:

nature appreciation :)
🎂 I turned a year older
🌳 Hubby and I got to explore new hiking trails and started a new habit of communing with nature at least once a week
🌺 I had a ball taking pictures of a wide variety of flowers (even weeds!) and lots of beautiful sceneries
👩‍🍳 I got to prepare many homecooked meals for my family
🍊 We have easy access to buying fresh fruits and vegetables in various stores nearby
♿ While not being to go outside, our #GideonJamesJourney remains happy and healthy
💵 God continues to provide for our financial needs and we were able to share some of our blessings to those who needed them
🖥️ Thanks to technology, we are able to communicate regularly with family and friends living halfway around the world
🌱 My tiny garden of potted plants are doing well and bringing me much joy

There are more to this list but these are the top ones I am most thankful for. If you're also making a similar list, what would be in there? 😉

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