Friday, February 05, 2016

Indulge in #LUXNights and Wonderful Fragrances at Each End of Your Busy Days

Being a woman in these modern times is a great thing. We have the freedom to take on challenges that females in bygone days were not even allowed to do. It's definitely something to celebrate about!

Solenn Heusaff
Wearing many hats and successfully accomplishing as many tasks as we can, it's only fair that we treat ourselves regularly to activities that provide respite from all the busyness. This is because even the simplest of indulgences can give us enough boost to face the next day with a renewed sense of energy.  

indulge in a perfumed bath every night
For many women, a great "me-time" can be in the form of a shopping spree on a payday weekend, an occasional visit to the spa, or having a cup of coffee with close friends. However, despite the many things we go through daily, we should still get an indulgent treat at the end of the day and LUX is providing the solution!   

LUX makes it possible to bathe with perfume every night
What could me more decadent than taking a bath surrounded by fabulous fragrances? The new LUX Perfumed Bar Soap and Body Wash Collection makes it possible to bathe with perfume every day and promises to be the luxurious treat every woman deserves to end busy days with #LUXNights.

LUX's Perfumed Body Wash Collection
Last February 2 at the House of LUX in SM Makati's Beauty Hall, brand ambassador Solenn Heusaff, together with the LUX team, demonstrated how to treat oneself every night with LUX Body Wash through the launch of her online film that shows how her 'Busy Days deserve #LUXNights.' Catch Solenn’s #LUXNights video through this link:

LUX has different scents made with fine fragrances crafted by Perfume Experts from New York, London, and Paris. Choose from Magical Spell, Soft Touch, White Impress, and Love Forever. I honestly find it difficult to choose a favorite among these four because all of them smell really, really good!

After choosing your preferred scent, you can indulge by following this ritual:
1. POUR a coin-sized amount of LUX Body Wash on a bath puff
2. RUB the bath puff to form a luxurious lather
3. MASSAGE the bath puff all over your body to enjoy bathing with perfume

With the new LUX Perfumed Bath Collection, we can now celebrate the accomplishments of every busy day with an indulgent #LUXnight that every woman deserves. Try new LUX Perfumed Body Wash 100ml for PHP55 (SRP) and LUX Perfumed Bar Soap 110g for PHP39 (SRP.)

To know more about #LUXnights, visit

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