Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Meet Oishi's TEAM O!

I like munching on Oishi snacks and would seldom go out of the supermarket without several packs to share with my family. The wide variety of Oishi products leaves no room for getting tired of the different flavors that encompasses a whole range of textures and tastes from sweet (like Pillows), to salty (like the Prawn Crackers), to sour (like Cracklings' salt and vinegar variant), and spicy (like Marty's). Oishi really has them all!

A few days ago, I had a chance to meet Team O, a unique group of fellow Oishi-loving people from different parts of the media and entertainment industry. All of them had an Oishi story to tell and it's better if you check out the videos to see how these fun individuals performed "missions" that surprised and delighted a lot of people.

For instance, there was the time last July when Oishi brand ambassador Elmo Magalona and well-known personality Tim Yap rode a chopper to shower Marcelo H. del Pilar High School students in Bulacan with thousands of Oishi snacks! I would have loved to see that in real-time! It must have been such an exciting day for the students especially after the chopper landed and the two celebrities gave them an impromptu concert.

Then there's funny man and internet sensation Ramon Bautista who went to the Polytechnic University of the Philippines last August 31. The school became the venue for an authentic Oishi oblation run where the runners had snacks attached to their bodies and which the students could grab. Now, I'd prefer wholesome oblation runs like that one any time over the ones I saw while still a student in UP Los Banos many years ago!

Another activity which packs in an element of surprise are flash mobs and Oishi made one happen at the Glorietta Food Court last September 26 along with a performance by the popular OPM band Sandwich. Rock Ed Philippine's founder, Gang Badoy, who advocates for social change, took the opportunity to promote anti-bullying and told spectators that an O, Wow! Life should be one that is full of respect and dignity.

For female college students though, no surprise would be as exciting as being visited by boy-next-door heartthrob and PBB winner Slater Young. Oishi set up a photo booth at the Philippine Women's University and the Emilio Aguinaldo College on November 16 where Slater popped up to the amazement and delight of the school population. It's so fun seeing those OMG-is-this-true reactions from the students and teachers and Slater gamely giving in to the hugs and kisses bestowed on him :D

Those Team O missions have truly become O, Wow! moments not only for Oishi and the co-conspirators but also for those who were in the right place at the right time to get a first-hand experience of the surprises. 

So keep your eyes and ears open because we'll never know what Oishi has up its sleeves for next year. Who knows, there could be additional members of Team O to stage surprises for more people in 2013!

* For more pics taken during the Oishi Team O event I attended, please click here

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