Monday, October 17, 2011

What’s a Healthy Deal?

Our fast-paced lives nowadays may come with rewards and satisfaction with one’s work but very few of us take time to slow down once in a while and breathe. Being a workaholic comes with a price tag and, if not addressed promptly, may lead to serious health issues.

I should know. I just spent the majority of the past week suffering from on and off  bouts of fever and heartburn as my chronic gastritis came back with a vengeance. On hindsight, I had to acknowledge that I became careless these past months about pacing myself and ended up consumed with work-related stress that seemed to have arrived one on top of the other. 
Once I’m done with the round of antibiotics and other medications my doctor prescribed, I’m planning to treat myself and avail of a good pampering treatment. While surfing the web, I came across Healthy Deals Philippines, a local website that promotes health and wellness. I was pleased to discover that they are offering Organique Nail Spa Body Treatments at 55% off (P427.50 instead of P950.00)! 

I looked through the “menu” and thought it would be nice to undergo the ORGANIQUE DETOX GREEN TEA BODY WORKS. According to the description, it’s a gentle, full-body exfoliation experience where a blend of green tea essences, gentle grains of sugar, shea butter, and other oils will be applied from shoulders to toes. 

After exfoliation, the pampering will continue with an application of a botanical kaolin clay masque blend onto the body to leave the skin satiny, soft, smooth, and hydrated. Then, after showering, the treatment will conclude with a relaxing application of Organique’s own green tea Hydrating Crème that’s said to be natural, gentle, and aroma therapeutic. 

Sounds divinely relaxing! What’s more, the treatments are portrayed to increase circulation, are relaxing, detoxifying, softening, hydrating, whitening and therapeutic. Now that’s a healthy deal! :)

Check out more Healthy Deals here. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest updates on the newest promos.

If you blog, you may also want to join the "What's a Healthy Deal" Bloggers Raffle Contest and stand to win an iPad2!

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