Thursday, January 27, 2011

Call for Help: Hope for Job

A little angel needs help.

Meet Job Tyrese Feliciano. A bubbly 7-month old baby who was diagnosed w/ Biliary Atresia shortly after birth. He needs to undergo liver transplant in Taiwan at the soonest possible time. Any delay would be detrimental to his health.

Job's parents, both nurses at Cardinal Santos Medical Center, are appealing for prayers and assistance. If you know of any organization, socio-civic groups or if the Lord touches your heart to give, please visit for more details on how to extend your help to the family. You can also read more about his story there.

Thank you and may the Lord bless you abundantly!


  1. Thank you so much Ruth! God is indeed using you as a channel of His love and blessing to others!!! I love you!!!-- Dr Joy Sy

  2. You're very much welcome Dr. Joy. Happy to help. Praying for the best for baby Job and his family :)
