Friday, December 10, 2010

My Christmas Wish This Year: A Nokia C7

Oh the possibilities!

I just browsed the exciting features of the Nokia C7 and I am absolutely impressed. This is definitely one cool phone! I love the sleek design and the fact that it’s made by one of the most trusted and innovative brands in the mobile phone industry.

I’ve been wanting to buy a touch screen phone for months now but due to one reason or another, several planned purchases didn’t push through. It’s either I’d find the phone overrated and not good value for money or it would lack all the features I wanted or I’d get turned off when the salesperson demoed it and the phone wouldn’t deliver (imagine a phone touted to have WiFi capabilities but wouldn’t even connect to the free public WiFi access in the mall!)

At the moment, I still haven’t bought a touch screen phone but I am now hoping that I get to win one for Christmas! :D

If I could have a Nokia C7, I will definitely enjoy all its great features like:

… the 8-megapixel camera which I’ll use for taking videos and photos while I’m on the go. I could finally be free of lugging around an extra digital camera whenever I attend media events, have reunions with loved ones or watch my kids during their school performances. I’m sure the high pixels would definitely take better pictures and footages than the 3.2MP that my digicam has and I’ll get to post better photos in this blog too!

… the WiFi capability would enable me to check emails out of the house, do some research for my ongoing writing projects, and chat with close friends who live abroad. I’ll also appreciate getting live updates from my Facebook and Twitter accounts and be able to respond to interesting posts real time. That feature would be great for those of us who enjoy connecting with friends, family, and colleagues via these useful social networking sites. I’d love to finally be able to access these sites on a bigger screen without straining my eyes or getting frustrated for having to click so many buttons just to accomplish what I want to do.

… the maps with free GPS navigation which would be very helpful because I sometimes tend to get lost when I need to go to new places. I always end up looking for a traffic enforcer just to ask for directions :p Too, the OVI maps would serve us well when my hubby’s driving, we’re going around in circles, and he wouldn’t agree to stop and ask for directions. (Yeah. You know? Men!) At least if I have a Nokia C7 with me, I could find out where exactly we need to go and not waste time hoping the next turn would be the right one.

… the music player which would replace another gadget, my mp3 player, that also adds bulk to my already usually heavy bag. I’d load all my favorite songs in the phone and enjoy the music while I’m stuck in traffic or traveling long distances.

… the customizable home screen and lots of other features which, I’m sure, would tickle my techie side.

There are so many other fun elements of the Nokia C7 that I’d love to tinker with. Here’s wishing I’d get to have one because it would be an awesome Christmas gift. After all, this is a season of surprises and joy so who knows, I just might get something I genuinely would love to have! After all, we are always given so many reasons to hope every time Christmas comes around :)

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