Saturday, June 05, 2010

Introduce Your Kids to CYOA books

I used to read different kinds of children's books while I was growing up. I could finish one volume of Nancy Drew, Bobbsey Twins, Hardy Boys, or the Dana Girls in one day. Good thing my school's library was amply stocked with those.

When a friend lent me a tome called The Kingdom of Frome, I became instantly hooked. The book was unusual because it has different endings! Soon after, I started borrowing books like it from other friends and discovered the Choose Your Own Adventure series which has more volumes.

Now, I am glad that my youngest son has also taken a liking to the CYOA books. So much so that he wrote an article about his favorite volume. You can read One Book, Different Endings here. Have your child read it too. He/She may also find it interesting :)

 My son's CYOA collection (so far)

1 comment:

  1. Oh God, I used to read a loooooot of these when I was in grade school to high school! Me and some classmates go to a bookstore together, and we all buy one book each. Then we just pass our books around. :D

    I still have a couple of those on my shelf and I hope my boys get to read them someday. :)
