Monday, December 06, 2004


It was only yesterday that I was able to put up the Christmas tree and lights in the living room. I wasn’t yet feeling very Christmassy the past couple of weeks, being swamped with work and having had not much time thinking about decorations.

To psyche myself and get me in the mood for decorating, I decided to buy a new set of decors and change the theme color of our Christmas tree, which for several years now, were the same old gold-colored balls and knickknacks my mom bought a long time ago. I went to the department store and decided on royal blue when my eyes fell upon cute silver ribbons decorated with blue stars and strands of blue string. Good thing there were tiny silver bells too with blue accents and royal blue balls of sizes just right for our Christmas tree. Of course I added a pack of Christmas lights with blue bulbs in the shopping cart.

So I went home, armed with my very first set of Christmas knickknacks. I haven’t felt the inclination to buy any these past years since my husband and I still can’t afford to have a house of our own. But the thought of accumulating different themed sets of different colored decors for variety every December cheered me up. By the time we get to have our dream house built, I just might have a complete selection of decorations.

Daniel helped me attach each piece on the tree. When we finished, he stepped a little way back and surveyed our handiwork. With fingers on his chin, my six-year-old gave his verdict “Beautiful!” Even my husband commented “Wow, great job mom!” when he came in after walking the dog outside. It’s always nice to receive complements of something you worked hard on.

Hmmm, now I’m thinking ... red would be a good color scheme for next year ...

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