Monday, March 01, 2004


My five-year-old son Daniel always has some chosen words for certain situations. Whenever he was asked if he liked doing a particular activity or eating something new, he will answer with a lisping “Yes!” in ascending pitch.

For the past two weeks now, I’ve noticed that whenever I issue orders such as “I said wear your slippers!” or “Please put that back if you’re not using it anymore,” his answers would consistently be “Ok! Ok! Ok!” fired in rapid succession in the same ascending pitch while muttering to himself as he goes to do what I asked him to.

The other day, as I was talking to my husband on my mobile phone, I answered “Ok, fine!” to a question he asked. Later that day, as I was telling Daniel for the nth time to change his shirt because it looked dirty already, he reluctantly left his toy on the floor and answered in irritation, “Ok! Ok! Find!”

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