Saturday, December 27, 2003

Post-Christmas Post

Christmas has come and gone. The New Year is almost upon us. How are you? Have you experienced soul-searching moments that usually come during holidays, as I have?

I've given thought to a lot of things recently. What do I want to do with my life? How can I improve as a person, a wife, a parent, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend? Do you think things like that too?

I always find the Yuletide season as a time of reflections – for the year that was and the year that is to come. What were my greatest joys? What were my mistakes? What can I do so as not to repeat bad experiences within my control? How can I show my love to those people who are important to me? How can I get better as a writer?

Ah, so many thoughts, so many worries. My husband has the perfect answer. He would always remind me "Trust God and pray always, and everything else will fall into place." I have to agree. And with that, I'll be greeting the new year wearing a smile on my face and with confidence that having God and my family beside me, I have less chances of doing wrong. After all, I do believe that the best and good intentions have the most chances of turning out well in the end. Welcome 2004!

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